Must-Have Packing Essentials When Travelling with Infants

Are you planning to travel with your newborn? Travelling with infants is one of the most challenging tasks one can ever imagine. You first need to make sure that you carry all their essential stuff like disposable diapers, food, sufficient clothes as a baby requires frequent changing, anti-rash cream, and the list goes on. Please note that the packing essentials for a newborn and a toddler will never be the same. This blog discusses some packing essentials you cannot miss while travelling with a baby.

Newborn Packing Checklist for a Smooth Trip

1. A diaper bag- This is one of the most important things you would require to pack if you want to enjoy a hassle-free trip. Ensuring a well-packed diaper bag will give you peace of mind, and you don’t have to compromise the product’s quality in any scenario. Let’s have a look at the things a diaper bag must-have.

  • Disposable diapers
  • Changing pad
  • Wipes
  • Diaper cream
  • Hand sanitiser
  • Additional clothes for changing (Always ensure carrying more than enough outfits when travelling with newborns and toddlers)
  • Plastic or wet bag (You cannot just dump a dirty diaper anywhere on the road.
  • Hence, keeping a plastic or wet bag is essential.
The other items include anti-rash cream, small towels, etc. Let’s move forward to food now. No matter whether you are breastfeeding your child or giving them formula, you need to travel with proper arrangements as babies require frequent feeding.

2. Lightweight blanket or nursing cover- You can carry either a nursing cover or even a lightweight blanket if you don’t feel comfortable breastfeeding your child in public. You just also carry swaddle blankets as you can use them as a car seat cover, for wrapping your baby in cold weather, or for laying them down in the grass for your baby’s maximum comfort.

3. Insulated bottle bag- If you are pumping your breast milk beforehand, keeping it cool is important. This is where an insulated bottle bag will become your saviour. It also comes with a small ice pack and can be clipped onto the diaper bag’s outside.

4. Bottles with milk or formula- Having a formula dispenser comes in handy if you use a formula. This is because they store formula and water separately until you are ready to mix them.

You can contact NipNap Premium Baby Diapers for the highest quality disposable diapers in Kenya. They make diapers using German technology and European raw materials. Check their website for more information.


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